Best Way to Cook Sirloin Steak

May 7, 2022

Texans agree a perfectly cooked sirloin steak is a tasty treat. We love eating this delicious cut of beef on holidays, weekends, and special occasions. But for those of us who aren’t trained chefs, figuring out the best way to cook sirloin steak can be tricky. 

Luckily, there are some tried and true ways to ensure a perfect meal every time! Today we’ll share all our grilling tips and pan-fried tricks to help you confidently cook sirloin steak.

Tips for the Best Way to Cook Sirloin Steak

There are a few essential things to remember when learning the best way to cook sirloin steak. Let’s start with the basics: 

  • To prepare your sirloin for cooking, remove it from the fridge about an hour before you want to prepare it. Doing this will bring it up to room temperature and help it to cook more evenly. If you try to make a steak when it’s still cold, it’ll likely still be raw in the middle even when the outside is well done.  
  • The best method for seasoning a steak is to dry the surface with a paper towel and generously cover all sides with your preferred spices. Then gently massage everything into the meat. Even just a quick, twenty-second rub down makes a huge difference in how much flavor is absorbed by the beef. 
  • Be patient. Always, always, always rest your sirloin steaks after cooking. Just let them sit for five minutes before digging in. As they rest, the juices are reabsorbed into the muscle fibers ensuring every bite is juicy and delicious.
  • There’s a right way to slice a sirloin! To ensure every bite is melt in your mouth delicious, take a peek at the surface of your steak and look for the small lines. Those are the muscle fibers. When cutting, run your knife perpendicular. 
  • Lastly, it may be tempting to go to the supermarket and grab the cheapest sirloin you can find, but if you want the best way to cook sirloin steak, you’ll need to start with the best quality beef. We recommend our Premium Quality Texas Beef Sirloins. They’re grass-fed, grain-finished, and always hormone and steroid-free.

Tips for Grilled Sirloin Steak

Nothing says “Texas” like beef on the grill! Here are some pointers on the best way to cook sirloin steak.

  1. Remove your steaks from the refrigerator about an hour before cooking and bring them to room temperature. Season them as described above.
  1. When cooking on either charcoal or gas, place steaks over the hottest part of the grill. Sear both sides for about four minutes, depending on thickness. This should get you pretty close to medium rare for an inch thick sirloin. Your meat thermometer should read 130 F.
  1. Don’t forget to rest your steaks for 5 minutes before serving. 

Tips for Pan Seared Sirloin Steak

Looking for the perfect crispy crust on your beef? Many chefs think that pan-searing is the best way to cook sirloin steak.

  1. Remove your steaks from the refrigerator about an hour before cooking and bring them to room temperature. Season them as described above.
  1. Preheat a heavy cast-iron or non-stick skillet over medium-high heat until the skillet’s surface begins to smoke.
  1. Add a small amount of oil to the skillet. Then add your steaks.
  1. Cook for about two minutes, rotate the steaks 180 degrees in the pan and cook for another two minutes. Next, add more oil, flip the steaks onto their other side, and repeat the process. This should get you pretty close to medium-rare for an inch thick sirloin. Your meat thermometer should read 130 F.
  1. Don’t forget to rest your steaks for 5 minutes before serving.

Tips for Broiled Sirloin Steak

When it’s too cold for a barbecue, one of the best ways to cook sirloin steak is in your oven!

  1. Remove your steaks from the refrigerator about an hour before cooking and bring them to room temperature. Season them as described above.
  1. Set your oven’s broiler to high and let it preheat for ten minutes.
  1. Place your meat on a sheet pan with a wire rack and put it in the broiler. To ensure a good sear, make sure that the surface of your sirloin is about three inches from the heat source. 
  1. Cooking times will vary depending on the brand and style of your oven. It’s best to use a remote probe thermometer to constantly monitor the internal temperature and ensure perfectly cooked beef.
  1. Don’t forget to rest your steaks for 5 minutes before serving.

Check us out! We offer grass-fed, grain-finished, sustainably raised bulk beef and Premium Quality custom beef boxes. Each one is chock-full of all your favorite cuts. We also have tons of Texas Beef Company merchandise. Show the world that you Eat Better Beef!

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